Saturday, July 22, 2006

Media Create Software/Hardware sales (July 10rd-16th)


DS Lite - 140,858
PSP - 35,283
PS2 - 23,927
DS - 11,821
GBA SP - 2,619
Gameboy Micro - 1,581
Xbox 360 - 1,105
Gamecube - 928
GBA - 28
Xbox - 10


1 Jikkyou Powerful Pro Baseball 13 151906 (PS2) 151,906
2 New Super Mario Bros. 119190 (DS) 2,256,870
3 Persona 3 116682 (PS2) 116,682
4 Million Monkeys 57255 (PS2) 57,255
5 More Brain Age 52024 (DS) 2,752,211
6 Project Hacker 37165 (DS) 37,165
7 Loco Roco 31848 (PSP) 31,848
8 Brain Age 31549 (DS) 2,539,922
9 Naruto 26518 (DS) 26,518
10 Animal Crossing: Wild World 25746 (DS) 2,937,042

I guess the only note worthy thing here is that LocoRoco pretty much failed to meet the hgih sales that Sony were expecting, heck even Project hacker beat it and that gained pretty much zero advertising from Nintendo compared with the marketing forces of Sony's division. With sales as consistent and high as it is, Sony must be praying for some kind of miracle to help them in Japan for the handheld market at least. Oh, Xenosaga 3, Tekken DR and Megaman ZX are out of the top 10 charts after 1 week.. Oh dear. No legs compared with games like Animal Crossing DS which just manages to get in. Just..

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