Monday, August 07, 2006

Anime Review: Ichigo Mashimaro

Ichigo Mashimaro is one of those animes that strives to provide a little something different in our anime watching days, what with the hardcore, more mature anime shows hanging around our airwaves, Ichigo Mashimaro provides the neccessary relief of being a great anime that doesn't fall into the same vein as others.

Its cuteness factor is high up, what with characters like Ana and Chi being my fave characters in the show. Mui, being the attention-seeker that she is gains much of the screen-time and with that she is still an annoying little character that surprises me sometimes, especially one episode where she needed the attenttion from Nobue, who is one of the better characters in this short series. Matsuri is also there, but like her personality, not very exciting and usually quiet.

Thus, the series is a collection of seemless random episodes of the 5 girls and their lives, no story, just how they act in their lives in different events like going to the beach or bath etc. But one of the important factors of this show is the hilarity of it, Ichigo Mashimaro is a funny anime, similar to Bottle Fairy in terms of overall style, theres glimpses of funniness that you can't help but laugh. Hardly repetitive jokes are great and definetely makes this show consistently worth watching.

However, the shortness of the show makes this anime suffer a bit as it feels as though it could really go on forever, the invisible air of unfunniness is there as well, it sometimes tries too hard, but you can't help but smile at their antics. The lack of story is not a big downer, but with that its hard to find a good time when all the episodes can be watched together, a smaller more steady watching approach is needed if you're able to compete the cuteness thats provided here.

Overall: 9/10
Grade: A

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