Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Film Review: Children of Men

One word to describe this movie? WOW!

Heres lot of other words, Children of Men (CoM) is one of the best films you will ever see this year, this is probably down to the fact that recently in Hollywood theres a lack of original titles worth watching, but this year, if you have to watch one film, it be this. Bold words i might say but this is the truth, set in an almost post-apocalyptic future where women are infertile and the British government (and likely other government) try to reduce population iin their country and reducing terrorism by killing ethnic minorities and also deporting them into lands of terror and decay. A racist government im sure, but too far fetched? No way, in fact, this film shows one of the best true to life i nthe future movies that you will ever see. Things that are mentioned here like infertility, terrorism, racial discrimination, constant wars etc are likely to happen in the future, its a scary thought yes and somewhat this movie can tell us how to prevent it from happening.. sort of.

The film acts like an anti-war, pro-humanity film and it works in so many ways. The direction and editing of the film is superb, many scenes are done in one long take, from the cafe bombing, to the assault on the building, theres rarely a scene change within these crucial scenes, and with that, it makes this film even more better to watch. The birth of the baby in one scene is so amazingly done, so life-like, it felt hypnotic when watching it, like a miracle in their world, its something that can't be missed and very emotional to an extent.

Now, unfortunately CoM has its problems, the story was a bit too fragmented for my liking, the plot is there but the overall flow of the story wasn't constructed well. By the end, the story was kind of rushed and didn't feel concluded, one scene in particular made me unhappy was the end of the building assault where everyone stopped. Despite the presence of the baby, no one helped for some reason at all. Unrealistic and uncalled for. Also, despite its anti-war theme, it didn't make me cry, its definetely an emotional film, but not a tear-jerker (which in times, tries to be).

Overall, CoM, is an amazing piece of art and entertainment, its futuristic world is not too far off from reality yet its underlying message needs to be taken hold off early on the movie to fully enjoy it. Best movie this year? I say so.

Grade: A-

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